Originality Research Topics for College Students

In a scientific paper, originality of research topics is a major element when a student or researcher write paper/ thesis or research report. Originality is a novelty of the study. Good research has new findings that contribute both to science and real life. However, the challenge is how to find interesting topics while original. Since, many research topics are trapped on the plagiarism issue.

Change Research Population

If we dismantle a thesis or dissertation in the library, most of the topics refer to previous research. Whether the study whose similar topic with previous research stay original? The answer is yes. A thesis / dissertation /scientific paper has originality even though it involves previous research but different in location. For example, researchers conduct research on the effect of tariff or quota enforcement towards reducing product import in a country. Researchers in different countries can conduct research with the exact same variables. It is not plagiarism as long as researcher writes quotations with the correct rules. A study might involve the exact same variables with other studies. However, when the research location is different, it is still original paper.

In order to write a thesis / scientific research that has originality in topic, start by examining the phenomena that occur around you. Start browsing on the internet whether has similar topics of study. If there is a similar topic, begin to discover whether the conditions in the study are the same as the conditions in the phenomena you observe. If the conditions are not the same then your research topic might be original.

Combining Several Research Topics

Another way to write an original research is to combine several research topics into your main research topic. Certainly, you must read many previous research references. Furthermore, you look for the common thread of each study. Usually, between studies have a link. among the links there is a common thread to become your research topic. This way is not plagiarism.

Example in economics subject, we read some following research topics: the impact of the rise in the economy on the domestic economy; The impact of interest rates on stock index; The impact of the global economy towards domestic economy. Based on the three research topics above, we can combine into new research paper topic. for example, the influence of the global economy on the domestic economy.

In addition, you also need to pay attention on the theoretical basis that supports so that between variables interconnected.