Ordinal scale definition is a scale showing sequential order and also serves to group. On an ordinal scale, the difference between values does not have any meaning, but only a sequence. Ordinal scale is impossible to make statistical calculations based on average calculations and standard deviations.
This Ordinal scale is higher than the nominal scale, it is a rating scale. In the ordinal scale, the symbol of the measured numbers is to show the difference and order or level of the object according to certain characteristics. For example, level of satisfaction on the product. We can give a number with 5 = very satisfied, 4 = satisfied, 3 = less satisfied, 2 = not satisfied and 1 = very dissatisfied. Or for example in a race, the winner gets rank 1,2,3 etc. On an ordinal scale, unlike the nominal scale, to replace the numbers, we need to sort the sequence from large to small or from small to large. So, we shouldn’t make 1 = very satisfied, 2 = not satisfied, 3 = satisfied etc. Which is 1 = very satisfied, 2 = satisfied, 3 = less satisfied and so on.
Ordinal Scale More Example
In addition, although ordinal scale has a clear boundary but does not yet have a distance (difference). We do not know the distance from satisfaction from dissatisfied to less satisfied. Eventhough, very satisfied with the number 5 and very dissatisfied we give the number 1. But, we cannot say that satisfaction that is very satisfied is five times higher than that which is very dissatisfied. As on a nominal scale, it also cannot apply standard mathematical operations (arithmetic). Such as subtraction, addition, multiplication, and so on. Statistical parameters that is in accordance with ordinal scale is similar on the number and proportion. Such as mode, frequency distribution, Chi Square and several other non-parametric statistical equipment.
Ordinal Scale is a scale that is the second level of measurement, tiering into something that is ‘more’ or ‘less’ than others. This measure is to sort objects from lowest to highest and vice versa. Example: measuring sports championships, work performance, employee seniority. For example: Answer questions in the ranking. For example: strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly agree get symbol numbers 1, 2,3,4 and 5. These numbers are only ranking symbols, do not express numbers.
The symbol indicates the order or level of the object measured according to the characteristics. For example, we want to know the preferences of respondents towards a noodle brand. brand A, brand B, brand C, brand D and then respondents rank noodle brands by giving number 1 for the most preferred brand, number 2 for the second rank, etc. A summary of the results as follows: Brand A = 1, brand B = 2, Brand C= 3, Brand D = 4